Marriages are made in heaven.. Along with ice cream

I knew this was trouble the minute my mom said ‘a relative’s wedding’. I smelled it. The trouble and of course nice food. So I was just loitering around and hoping some random auntie doesn’t catch me and ask, “Whose side are you on?” because I seriously have no idea. So anyways, I did get caught in the end, by this auntie wearing a ridiculously glittery diamond on her necklace (trust me when I saw I went blind for a couple of seconds) and asked me, “Haaai! Remember me?”

Right. This is worse than whose side are you on.

“Ahem… yeah! Of course!”

“Good god, look at you! I saw you when you were two, now you grew up so much!”,she said smiling so good naturedly that I almost (almost) ignored the absurdity of her statement and thought of a suitable reply for her cliched line and not something like, ‘Of course! I grew up, what did you expect, that I still eat Cerelac?’ So instead I said,

“Uh… Haha.”

Awkward silence. 

“Right. I need to go find my mom.”,I say at last, which is not totally untrue. I need to find her as soon as possible and ask her some important questions like what this wedding means to me apart from good food, so that I could at least answer the whose side are you on questions, if not the remember me ones.

“Sure thing. Tell her I said hi.”

“Okay sure.”. Who are you anyways.


“Remember grandma’s second cousin’s husband’s sister?”,my mom says trying to explain the complex biological relation I share with the bride. Or the groom. We haven’t gotten there yet.

Of course I do not remember, so I just nod my head. 

“Yeah she is second cousin to the groom’s mother.”

Huh! Anyways, but finally! 

“So, we are on the groom’s side?”

“Yes, but we are also distantly related to the bride. Like, the bride’s father is your aunt’s brother in law’ s third cousin.”

“Oh-kay..”  It’s a small world. Or maybe big. I don’t know.


“Hey! Are you… you?”

Ummm. Until yesterday I was sure I was me, but now that you ask... I don’t know.

You see I have many hobbies, like reading books, writing, singing, watching movies loitering around dining area, waiting for the food to be served, etc, etc, and running into awkward people and situations. The last one being my least favorite form of time pass. And that is precisely how I ran into this lady and her good looking son. Who I was staring at, now. Okay his ice cream to be precise. Where did he get it! Look at that beautiful brown chocolate covered in choco chips!

“Aditi!”,she said finally.

“Yeah! It is me.”

“Vasu’s daughter.”

“Spot on.”

Okay focus. You know this lady. Face looks familiar. Right! She is an aunt from my mom’s side of the family. I smile more confidently, now.

“This is Ankit. You know, no?

“Hi”, I tell his ice cream.

“He goes to IIT Delhi. He came here for sem holidays.” ,she announces.

Cool. This guy not only got the big ice cream cone, but also the big college. Very nice, good for him.

“So, what are you doing, now?”

“Umm.. I’m in twelfth grade”

“Oh! Very nice. Preparing for entrances and all? Take tips from Ankit. If you have any doubts ask him.”

I smile at Ankit politely. He smiles back. “Can I ask you something?”,I say slowly.

“Sure.”,he says, getting ready to give a full account of his exam preparation and topper tips.

“Where did you get that ice cream?”

He looks like I’ve spoken German or something and beside him, his mother gasps audibly. Finally he picks his fallen jaw up and points to an ice cream counter behind me. 

“Thank you so much.”,I say with a gracious smile, because hello, my parents taught me good manners.

As I take a little bite of the choco lava hot fudge choco chip ice cream, I’ m in heaven. And out of the corner of my eye, I can see the glittery diamond lady talk to my mother, Ankit’s mom announcing to a group of delighted aunties that her son goes to IIT and Ankit talking to a guy, approximately my age. 

Some career oriented kid. I think. But none of it matters, focus, this is happiness. I tell myself as some more choco touches my tongue and I inwardly thank that Ankit dude, because who wants exam tips and prep strategies now, that is not what weddings are for. They are for mingling with people and talking about which dish on the menu tastes good and eating nice ice cream. 

By the way choco lava hot fudge choco chip ice cream is a personal favorite now…. Until I go to the next costly wedding.


#i kinda miss weddings    #chocolate ice cream    #big fat weddings    #annoying relatives
#ice cream weddings    #made in heaven    


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