My Adventures in the Pink City - #HypedHolidays - Part 1
Every year, we as a family voluntarily agree to partake in a migration activity to an external environment so we can take our disagreements about our likes, dislikes, the individual lifestyle choices we’ve made and comment on the fellow member’s preferences on food, clothing, music, etc to a different location and have a little fun in between. But this arrangement of choosing to put ourselves in the outside world is a little weird and tough to explain to your boss when you apply for a leave or to your teacher in the leave letter and the friends don’t get it. So, we just call it ‘vacation’. And this said vacation is generally taken with a pair of favorite cousins and family who are equally excited about the ‘forgot to pack that dress’ and ‘didn’t charge the phone’ fights that are to ensue. So, as we ran to get boarding for our fight, sorry flight, hauling enough luggage to fit all the supplies of a royal family, I’m sure the airport staff saw us as a contingent of the royal servant...